
How Much Does a New Website Cost?

How Much Does a New Website Cost? The answer is not a straightforward one.

Posted by Spicy Web
How Much Does A Website Cost Spicy Web

That’s a fantastic question, exactly how much does a brand-new website cost? I’m sure you know that this won’t be a straightforward article, I’m not going to give you a numerical answer allowing you to suddenly relax, now knowing exactly how much a new website will cost you. Unfortunately, this is one of those damned situations where it just isn’t that simple. I guess your glad I didn’t make the ‘how long is a piece of string’ analogy. Luckily, Spicy Web understands that not knowing how much a new website will cost, can keep you up at night, and we may have just found a solution.

Like all products and services, there are varying levels of involvement that go into creating a brand-new website for your business. Therefore, we have attempted to simplify the situation, ensuring you understand exactly what your paying for.

Rather than Spicy Web simply giving you a flat quote for a website upfront, we have created a simple process that allows us to guide you through the design process. Upfront quoting for our awesome, custom websites works great, when our clients know EXACTLY what they want. This does happen in a minority of cases, although most of our clients seek out advice from experts to develop an idea of what they want. Using our ‘discovery’ process, we will help you develop the finer details of your website, before we even quote you to build it. Our designer will finely guide you throughout the process of fleshing out your site’s the finer details. Questions such as, ‘how many pages does my website need?’, ‘what does my website need to do?’, ‘how should my website look?’ and ‘what is the primary objective my website needs to fulfil?’. These burning questions, will be answered at the earliest possible stage.

We don’t expect you, or any of our clients to already know the exact requirements (and the costs involved) for your new website. Our process helps you develop the finer details of your website with a seasoned veteran of the web industry by your side. It’s much easier (and cheaper) to change and develop your needs whilst your website is simply an idea, or an image on a screen.

Initially we charge a fee, for the ‘discovery’ phase of your website. At the end of this stage you will have an in-depth idea of your website’s finer details, as well as a complete mock-up of your site. From this point, we can extremely accurately quote the build phase of your website. The great thing is, this approach doesn’t work out to be more expensive. Your website will only become more expensive when additional complexity is added, our designer will make it clear when a certain attribute will raise the cost of the website’s final build phase.

So how much does a new website cost I hear you ask once again? The answer is $5000, and more if you want it to be.