
Who Would Like Some Pie?

I know what you’re thinking, what a silly question, everyone likes pie, why wouldn’t you want pie?

Posted by Spicy Web
Spicy Web Pie

I know what you’re thinking, what a silly question, everyone likes pie, why wouldn’t you want pie?

Okay I don’t actually have any pie, but if you think of your business’s digital marketing presence as a pie, you would want it to look like this wouldn’t you? Because as far as pies go, this one does look fairly excellent. The above pie looks great, and most importantly, it is a complete pie. A whole pie is much more likely to please a large group of people when compared to a single slice of pie, the same principle applies to digital marketing.

Okay I didn’t bring you here just to talk about pie.

If you think of your business’s digital presence as a pie, and each of your digital marketing properties as a piece of that pie, it starts to become clear that each of those pieces is important & contributes to the overall makeup of the pie.

Each and every one of your online properties is important, your website, your Google Ads account, your Facebook, Instagram & Twitter are all pieces of your digital pie, that work together to ultimately create your online presence. Certain slices of your pie may be bigger and other slices may be smaller, but the presence of these smaller pieces still provides us with a complete pie.

The takeaway message here isn’t actually to do with pie (I hope you’ve worked that out by now), it is to do with ensuring your digital message is as far spread as it possibly can be and placing value on the correct methods of communication. If your budget is limited, first ensuring the largest pieces of pie are cut, can be extremely beneficial.

Please go and now buy yourself some pie (the real type).