
You Know Nothing, Web Master.

You Know Nothing, Web Master — 'What is he on about?'. Those are the words that undoubtedly just crossed your mind. You have no idea where this is going, nor do you know why you are reading this.

Posted by Spicy Web

That was about as confusing as trying to decipher how a new customer found your business online. It's genuinely great that you as a business owner, have an understanding of how important digital advertising is, that's why you're reading this article presumably. I'm sure you're here to further your knowledge and that's exactly what I aim to do with this post.

To give you a basic overview, we believe the greatest benefits of digital advertising are:

  1. The ability to target a very specific group of individuals, based on who they are, what they are interested in and even what they are directly searching for or reading about.
  2. The ability to report very accurate numbers, outlining exactly how many of these users have actually engaged with your business, called you, enquired or even transacted on your website.

Many business people understand the first point very well. There appears to be a genuine understanding that we have the ever-present ability to target a very specific group of people, rather than 'just anyone' such as in the days of traditional media monopolies. What if I told you that you've only just scratched the surface with this level of understanding? There is so much more you can do beyond a typical 'set and forget' type strategy!

Giphy Downsized


Where digital advertising has a distinct advantage over traditional forms of advertising is the ability to track results, and therefore, optimise your targeting methods, your adverts and your overall strategy. The old saying 'we know half of our marketing budget is wasted, the problem is, we will never know which half' is somewhat less meaningful in this day and age. Sure, there will always be an element of guesswork involved with advertising, but we now have the ability to track nearly everything that goes on from a potential customer's first interaction, through to their last.

We now have the ability to track nearly everything from a potential customer's first interaction, through to their last.


Using Google Ads, we are able to show adverts to users who are searching for a very specific set of terms. For example, if you owned a web design company based in Frankston (what a coincidence, we know someone who does!) you might want to show adverts to users who are searching for 'web designer Frankston' or 'web designer in Frankston'. Based on a calculated guess, we have identified certain terms that we think your valuable customer may use, and are showing adverts to them. This is a great start!



The next step is to implement what we call 'conversion tracking'. This wizardry tells us exactly what a user that visited your website as a result of an advert actually did; Did they submit an enquiry form?Did they call you and have a chat? We track this over time and can attribute phone calls, form enquiries and even direct sales to your adverts and keywords.

Over time, our educated guesses are either confirmed or nullified as we know exactly how much money has been spent on each key term we are targeting and exactly how many enquiries we have generated as a result. Over time, we allocate more money towards key terms and adverts that we can literally see (via data) are working very well.

Not only can we be very selective about who we show adverts to initially, we can be very picky even as your digital advertising campaign keeps on rollin'.

A great account setup is just the first step, continuous optimisation can take your advertising to another level entirely.