
Digital Campaign Attribution: Which Campaigns are Driving Valuable Enquiries?

Digital Campaign Attribution: Which Campaigns are Driving Valuable Enquiries? — Conversion Loop is our answer to the constant struggles associated with tracking the return on investment, of digital advertising campaigns.

Posted by Spicy Web
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What is conversion loop?

Conversion Loop was built to provide valuable insights to businesses that generate large amounts of enquiries. Typically, PPC strategies are optimised to achieve more 'enquiries', without knowing which of these enquiries actually are likely to turn into a sale. The typical method of PPC optimisation does not take into account lead quality or sale value. Our Conversion Loop software allows you to see exactly how many of the enquiries generated by your PPC campaigns turned into sales, over time. We can pinpoint which campaigns are generating sales, and which campaigns are generating lots of 'tyre kickers' who enquire without any actual purchase.

This software was developed to provide an 'E-Commerce' level of accuracy for businesses that sell their products by generating enquiries. Campaign attribution has been a wicked problem that has plagued marketers for all of time. We aim to close the gap a little bit here, by taking online campaign attribution to the next level.

Get E-commerce level reports

We often knew a campaign was generating many enquiries, this is easy to track via Google Ads default tracking tools. Our clients also knew that Google Ads was generating lots of enquiries. What we didn't know, however, was which strategies were generating quality enquiries and thus sales. Our clients knew which enquiries were good quality, but they didn't know which particular strategy they had originated from.

Our software 'closes the loop of confusion' and allows us to see exactly how many enquiries & actual sales were generated by any given campaign.


Retrospective reporting

The beauty of this software is that these reports can be generated historically. We request data from you, and this report can be produced to see your actual sales conversion rate and job value historically.

Shed light on which online campaigns are driving valuable leads

Not all enquiries are created equal, that's why we've put a huge emphasis on tracking true value, not superficial metrics. Being able to literally see that a certain campaign has generated x amount of leads and y amount of sales, is something that has been invaluable for our clients. We can then see the percentage of leads that converted, per campaign and over time.